Industrial Risks Evaluation VR Platform

The Industrial Risk Assessment Platform is a software developed by No Real Interactive that allows you to create immersive sessions in virtual reality useful to rate the assessment and propensity to risk of your workers.

By reproducing exactly the workplace, or using the standard workshop already prepared, it is possible to evaluate anonymously the worker’s behavior by putting him in front of predefined scenarios to which he will have to give single or multiple answers. Wearing a VR visor, the worker will find himself on a 1:1 scale in the working environment. The person responsible for safety at work will then be able to anonymously obtain an evaluation file of the experience.

In the standard workshop there are the locker room, the office, the warehouse, the ladle, some standard machinery and some workstations with mobile hoists.

The platform is fully customizable and can be integrated with other equipment and sized at will.
The application is usable through desktop and immersive VR systems.