F.A.R.O. Fossano Augmented Reality Observatory
The F.A.R.O. Torre Fossano project involves the creation of a tourist information point located on the top floor of the West Tower of the Acaia Castle in Fossano . Tourists will be able to enjoy the 360° panorama that embraces the entire visual arc from the Langhe to the Alps, and will be able to superimpose Augmented Reality touch screen monitors on the large windows that will activate geolocalized tourist content.

In the middle of the room is placed a large “cube” on whose walls are published the historical, archaeological and landscape information of the main points of interest related to the ALCOTRA project that financed the intervention: the city of Fossano with the fossil forest and the medieval town urban design and the two main archaeological areas: the Roman city of Augusta Bagiennorum and the Lombard necropolis of S.Albano Stura.
Inside the museum it is possible to watch the documentary S.T.U.R.A., which runs the history of man in this territory, from prehistory to World War II.